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Academia Gaviões

Academia Gaviões

  • CategoryTools
  • Version2.0.616
  • Size35.83M
  • DeveloperW12 EVO
  • UpdateJun 26,2024
  • Application Description

Stay Connected with Your Gym Like Never Before with the ACADEMIA GAVIÕES TIMELINE App!

The ACADEMIA GAVIÕES TIMELINE app is your one-stop shop for staying connected with your gym, studio, or box. Get instant access to posts from your favorite instructors, coaches, and teachers, and engage with the community by commenting, liking, and sharing posts. You can even post your own messages, photos, and images!

But that's not all! The app also provides access to vital information such as training details, including exercises, loads, repetitions, and execution tips. Stay organized with the agenda feature, allowing you to check in, reserve a spot in class, and even join a waiting list if your desired class is full. Plus, manage your gym experience effortlessly by renewing plans and purchasing services directly through the app, saving you time and hassle.

Never miss a class or important message with instant notifications from ACADEMIA GAVIÕES. And for all you Crossfit and Cross Training enthusiasts, the app is even more comprehensive! You can view the current WOD (Workout of the Day) and look back at previous ones, track and save your results, monitor PRs (personal records), and even check the ranking.

Remember, ACADEMIA GAVIÕES is exclusive to gyms that use EVO software, so make sure to ask at the reception and get the full gym experience in the palm of your hand with the app!

Features of Academia Gaviões:

⭐️ Timely Updates: Stay up-to-date with everything happening in your gym, studio, or box. Get instant notifications on your cell phone for new posts from teachers, instructors, and coaches.

⭐️ Social Interaction: Engage with the community by commenting, liking, and posting messages, photos, and images. Connect with fellow members and share your fitness journey.

⭐️ Comprehensive Training Information: Access detailed information about exercises, loads, repetitions, and execution tips. Get valuable insights to improve your workouts and achieve your fitness goals. The app also provides training expiration dates to help you stay on track.

⭐️ Convenient Agenda Management: Easily manage your gym schedule through the app. Check-in, view the timetable, and reserve a place in the workout room. Join the waiting list for full classes and receive notifications once a spot becomes available. You can also cancel appointments directly through the app.

⭐️ Hassle-free Plan Management: No more in-person visits to renew plans or purchase new services. With this app, you can take care of everything through the app. Save time and enjoy the convenience of managing your gym membership digitally.

⭐️ Personalized Notifications: Never miss a class or important message again. ACADEMIA GAVIÕES sends you notifications for upcoming activities and new messages. You'll also have access to your physical assessment, due dates, and financial history in one place.


From timely updates to social interaction, comprehensive training information to convenient agenda management, hassle-free plan management to personalized notifications – this app has everything you need to enhance your fitness journey. Carry your gym in your pocket and download today.

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Academia Gaviões Screenshot 1
Academia Gaviões Screenshot 2
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