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Castlevania: SotN

Castlevania: SotN

  • CategoryAction
  • Version1.0.2
  • Size227.00M
  • DeveloperKONAMI
  • UpdateMar 24,2022
  • Application Description

Relive the classic console action role-playing experience with Castlevania Symphony of the Night. Enter a dark land teeming with dangerous monsters, including the infamous vampire, and step into the shoes of Alucard, a descendant of a legendary vampire hunter family. Embark on an epic quest to defeat Dracula himself within the walls of his castle. With an engaging non-linear storyline, explore the vast map and complete challenging tasks to achieve victory. Master an array of weapons like the iconic "Vampire Killer" whip, Holy Water, and more. Uncover hidden items as you unravel the captivating vampire story. Download now for an unforgettable adventure.

Features of Castlevania Symphony of the Night:

  • Familiar Experiences: Castlevania: SotN offers familiar experiences to players through a new version of the classic console action role-playing genre.
  • Action-Adventure Style: The game is designed in an action-adventure style, with horror elements and fascinating vampire stories as the main theme.
  • Strong Impression from Past Media: The game draws inspiration from comic books, movies, and console games that have achieved outstanding success, creating a strong impression on players.
  • Engaging Storyline: The game presents players with a familiar storyline, starting in a dark land filled with dangerous monsters, particularly vampires. Players take on the role of Alucard, a descendant of a famous vampire hunter family, and embark on a quest to battle Dracula.
  • Non-Linear Gameplay: The game offers non-linear gameplay, allowing players to freely explore the map and perform tasks at their own pace.
  • Various Weapons and Hidden Items: Players can enhance their fighting abilities by utilizing a range of weapons such as the "Vampire Killer" whip, Draggers, Holy Water, Flying Ax, Stop Watch, and Cross. Additionally, there are numerous hidden items that players can discover and collect to earn rewards.


Castlevania Symphony of the Night is a captivating game that combines familiar experiences with a new version of the classic console action role-playing genre. With its action-adventure style, engaging storyline, non-linear gameplay, and a wide variety of weapons and hidden items to discover, this game offers an immersive and exciting gaming experience that will keep players thoroughly entertained. Click now to download and embark on an unforgettable vampire hunting journey!

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