Fawa provides detailed insights into WhatsApp, Telegram, and Instagram activity, including statuses, stories, and last seen updates. Enjoy seamless device syncing, free access to all features, and instant notifications for online/offline status changes of chosen contacts. Download stories and statuses, track multiple individuals, and benefit from comprehensive reports and live support. Your data privacy is our priority – your information is secure and confidential.
Key Features:
- Effortless Device Sync: Begin monitoring and analyzing online and offline activity immediately.
- Completely Free: Enjoy uninterrupted access to all features without any cost.
- Track Last Seen & Online Status: Monitor even contacts who have disabled last seen.
- Real-time Notifications: Receive instant alerts for any activity from selected contacts.
- Download Stories & Statuses: Stay informed with access to all shared stories and statuses.
- Multiple User Tracking: Track and compare the activities of multiple individuals.
Fawa empowers parents with comprehensive monitoring capabilities, providing a clear picture of their children's phone usage and online behavior. Its user-friendly interface, combined with features like last seen tracking, instant notifications, and story downloads, makes it an invaluable tool. Rest assured, your data is protected with end-to-end encryption and strict adherence to data privacy regulations. Experience Fawa's free trial today and enjoy uninterrupted service and detailed reports, maintaining a close connection to your child's digital world.