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> ニュース > ブラックオプス6ゾンビの墓のすべてのオーディオログの場所


著者 : Olivia
Feb 21,2025


The Tombは、 Call of Duty:Black Ops 6 シーズン2の最新のゾンビマップで、とらえどころのないオーディオログのコレクションを含むミステリーに満ちた不可解な場所をプレイヤーに提示します。このガイドは、墓内のすべてのオーディオログの正確な場所を提供し、物語のパズルの単一のピースを見逃さないようにします。

An Audio Log in The Tomb in Black Ops 6 Zombies.


Audio Log NameAudio Log Location
The Infamous Mr. RhodesAtop a crate opposite the GobbleGum Machine, to the right of the starting area.
Look At All The BodiesSituated on a crate behind the headless statue, near the bull statues in the initial spawn zone.
Retirement PlanAdjacent to a crate, right of a wall-mounted vest, in the central dig site of the starting area.
Grave RobbersLocated on a shelf to the right, at the base of the stairs leading to the Death Perception room entrance.
A FabricationOn the ground near a skeleton, to the right of the ammo refill station outside the Deadshot Daiquiri room.
Making a MonocleDirectly across from the Speed Cola machine, resting on a pillar to the left.
The KnavesPositioned directly across from the GPMG-7 in the Subterranean Temple.
Deep TroubleBehind a pillar to the right of the ammo refill station at the bottom of the Subterranean Temple.
Against A WallTo the right of the Upgrade Bench, at the Subterranean Temple entrance.
Spring TimeBeneath a torch, to the left of the Stamin-Up machine.
Tortured ArtistAtop a wall opposite the Upgrade Bench, near the green door in the Nexus.



これで、墓のオーディオログの場所に関する包括的なガイドを締めくくります。より多くの Black Ops 6 Zombiesコンテンツについては、この新しい地図でSong Easter Eggを完成させるためのガイドをご覧ください。

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