SuperPlanet's new idle RPG, The Crown Saga: Pi's Adventure, is now available on Android! Embark on a mystical journey with Pi, a captivating wolf girl thrust into an unexpected destiny. Explore the enchanting, yet chaotic, world of Natureland!
Ruled by a Demon King, Natureland is surprisingly charming rather than terrifying. Pi, more wolf than warrior, is unexpectedly chosen by the Crown to defend the realm. Engage in automatic battles, growing stronger with each victory, acquiring new skills, superior armor, and magical treasures. Pi boasts unique abilities, including summoning lightning and unleashing fiery attacks on her foes.
The Crown Saga: Pi's Adventure embraces the idle RPG genre, offering effortless automatic combat. Personalize Pi's appearance with collectible costumes and hatched spirits, and customize her skills across five elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, and Light. See Pi in action!
Compete in global rankings and thrilling guild battles. Victorious guilds receive special battle buffs. To celebrate the launch, SuperPlanet is offering generous rewards including diamonds, summon tickets, spirits, and other valuable resources.
SuperPlanet boasts a stellar portfolio of games, including Boori's Spooky Tales, Boomerang RPG, and Tap Dragon. With its stunning artwork, The Crown Saga promises to be another captivating addition to their collection.
Download The Crown Saga: Pi's Adventure from the Google Play Store today! Don't forget to check out our latest news on Solo Leveling: ARISE and its half-year anniversary celebrations featuring new events.