Netmarble's popular idle-RPG, Seven Knights Idle Adventure, is teaming up with the anime sensation Shangri-La Frontier in an exciting crossover event! This collaboration introduces three new playable characters from Shangri-La Frontier, along with special in-game rewards.
The anime follows Rakuro Hizutome (Sunraku in-game), a skilled gamer who conquers even the buggiest, most obscure VR games. He applies his unique expertise to the wildly popular Shangri-La Frontier, turning his knowledge of broken game mechanics to his advantage.
This collaboration event lets players recruit Sunraki, Arthur Pencilgon, and Oikatzo as allies. A special Rate Up Summon Event and a Check-in Event will increase your chances of obtaining these new heroes and earning exclusive rewards.
New Challenges Await!
The event also includes new dungeon stages, including a collaboration-exclusive dungeon. This unique crossover offers fresh content for players, featuring characters not often seen in mobile game collaborations.
Looking for more mobile gaming options? Check out our lists of the best and most anticipated mobile games of 2024 for even more exciting titles!