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Final Fantasy 16 Mods Request: Respectful Content

Author : Benjamin
Jan 17,2025

Final Fantasy 16 Mods Requested to Avoid Being Final Fantasy XVI director, Naoki Yoshida (Yoshi-P), has politely requested fans avoid creating or installing "offensive or inappropriate" mods for the PC release.

Final Fantasy XVI PC Launch: September 17th

Yoshi-P's Plea for Respectful Modding

Final Fantasy 16 Mods Requested to Avoid Being In a recent PC Gamer interview, Yoshi-P addressed the modding community, emphasizing a desire to keep modifications respectful. While open to creative modding, he specifically cautioned against the creation or use of content deemed "offensive or inappropriate." He declined to provide specific examples to avoid inadvertently encouraging certain types of mods.

The request follows a line of questioning about potentially humorous mods. Yoshi-P clarified the team's preference for avoiding any content that could be considered offensive or inappropriate.

Final Fantasy 16 Mods Requested to Avoid Being Given Yoshi-P's experience with previous Final Fantasy titles, his request likely stems from encountering problematic mods in the past. Modding communities, such as Nexusmods and Steam Workshop, host a wide range of modifications, from graphical enhancements to cosmetic changes. However, some mods contain NSFW or otherwise offensive content. While Yoshi-P didn't specify, it's clear he aims to maintain a respectful environment for all players.

The PC release of Final Fantasy XVI boasts improvements like a 240fps frame rate cap and various upscaling technologies. Yoshi-P's request underscores a desire to keep this milestone launch positive and inclusive for everyone.

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