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All Paradox Pokemon (Ancient and Futuristic) In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Author : Emery
Mar 22,2025

All Paradox Pokemon (Ancient and Futuristic) In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

One of *Pokémon Scarlet & Violet*'s most captivating features is the introduction of Paradox Pokémon. While previous generations featured regional variants, Paradox Pokémon take it a step further, presenting futuristic and ancient versions of familiar favorites. This guide covers everything you need to know about these unique creatures.

Every Paradox Pokémon in *Pokémon Scarlet & Violet*

In both Generation IX games, Paradox Pokémon are exclusively unlocked after completing the main story and venturing into Area Zero. *Pokémon Scarlet* players encounter ancient variants, while *Pokémon Violet* players discover their futuristic counterparts. Ancient Paradox Pokémon possess the Protosynthesis Ability, boosting their highest stat by 30% under Sunny Day. Futuristic Paradox Pokémon, on the other hand, have the Quark Drive Ability, providing the same 30% boost in Electric Terrain.

Paradox Pokémon have quickly become highly sought-after in competitive battles. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to Generation IX, these Pokémon offer a compelling challenge and rewarding additions to your team once you reach the post-game.

Below is a complete list of each Paradox Pokémon, including their types and original counterparts:

All Ancient Paradox Pokémon

PokémonType (Primary/Secondary)Original Pokémon
Great TuskGround / FightingDonphan
Scream TailFairy / PsychicJigglypuff
Brute BonnetGrass / DarkAmoonguss
Flutter ManeGhost / FairyMisdreavus
Slither WingBug / FightingVolcarona
Sandy ShocksElectric / GroundMagneton
Roaring MoonDragon / DarkMega Salamence
KoraidonFighting / DragonCyclizar
Walking WakeWater / DragonSuicune
Iron LeavesGrass / PsychicVirizion
Iron BundleIce / WaterDelibird

All Future Paradox Pokémon

PokémonType (Primary/Secondary)Original Pokémon
Iron TreadsGround / SteelDonphan
Iron BundleIce / WaterDelibird
Iron HandsFighting / ElectricHariyama
Iron JugulisDark / FlyingHydreigon
Iron MothFire / PoisonVolcarona
Iron ThornsRock / ElectricTyranitar
Iron ValiantFairy / FightingGardevoir & Gallade
MiraidonElectric / DragonCyclizar
Iron LeavesGrass / PsychicVirizion
Iron BoulderRock / PsychicTerrakion
Iron CrownSteel / PsychicCobalion

That's every Paradox Pokémon in *Pokémon Scarlet & Violet*!

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