D One Games, renowned for horror titles like Scary Hospital Horror and Scary Tale: The Evil Witch, has unleashed its latest creation: Anime Girls: Clown Horror. This game evokes the thrill of Dead by Daylight, but with a chilling twist – creepy clowns hunting anime survivors.
Gameplay in Anime Girls: Clown Horror
Players choose to be either survivor or killer. The killer? A terrifying clown. The survivors? Anime girls. This unique blend offers a fresh take on the horror genre. The game's atmospheric graphics and sound design heighten the tension, making the amusement park setting feel genuinely menacing.
The amusement park itself is less a funhouse and more a terrifying maze. Survivors must cooperate to complete objectives scattered throughout the map, all while evading the relentless clown. Strategic use of obstacles and hiding places is crucial for survival.
The clown's objective is straightforward: hunt and eliminate the anime girls before they escape. The park becomes a deadly playground, full of traps and secrets. Clever tactics and stealth are key to a successful hunt.
See for yourself! Check out the trailer below:
A Unique Horror Experience
Anime Girls: Clown Horror stands out by seamlessly merging the charm of anime with intense horror. Survivors solve puzzles and outwit the killer, while the killer enjoys the thrill of the hunt. Intrigued? Download the game from the Google Play Store.
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