In Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl, many NPCs offer small quests, adding depth to the game. One such encounter, brimming with quirky charm, involves Lyonchyk Sprat in Rookie Village. His quest? Help him deliver a joke to gain acceptance from his fellow stalkers. This easily missed interaction adds a touch of humor to the otherwise grim world.
Here’s how to find and complete Lyonchyk Sprat's Joke quest in Stalker 2's Rookie Village:
How to Complete the Joke Quest from Lyonchyk Sprat in Rookie Village
Find Lyonchyk Sprat in Rookie Village (Cordon region). He'll call out to Skif near the village center. His initial attempt at joke-telling will fall flat, leading to his request for your assistance. Agreeing to help him deliver a joke to the stalkers by the bonfire begins the quest.
Help Lyonchyk Sprat Tell a Joke
Lyonchyk instructs Skif to wait in the attic. A ladder next to the bonfire leads to the attic; climb up to proceed. You'll be presented with several joke options. Choosing any option results in a successful joke delivery and quest completion.
Receiving Reward from Lyonchyk
After the joke, approach Lyonchyk. He'll reward you with 900 coupons for your help. However, failing to select a joke option and letting Lyonchyk deliver it alone results in a failed quest. He'll run off, upset, leaving you without a reward.