This guide focuses on befriending Willy, the kind-hearted fisherman in Stardew Valley. He's a valuable early contact, providing fishing gear and supplies. Building a strong friendship with Willy offers significant advantages.
Befriending Willy is straightforward. Visit his shop (weekdays) or find him fishing (weekends and evenings). Gifts significantly boost friendship, especially on his birthday (Summer 24 – 8x friendship bonus!). Rare fish are highly appreciated.
Gift Guide
Loved Gifts (+80 friendship):
Liked Gifts (+45 friendship):
Disliked & Hated Gifts: Avoid foraged goods, non-fish dishes, Life Elixir, and universal disliked/hated items (except fish – Willy is neutral towards most fish not listed above).
Quests & Rewards:
Willy posts requests on the notice board. Completing these earns gold and significant friendship points (150). He also sends two personal fishing challenges: catching a squid (Winter 2, Year 1) and a lingcod (Winter 13, Year 2), each rewarding friendship and gold.
Friendship Perks:
Willy shares four fishing-buff recipes as your friendship grows:
By following these tips, you can easily cultivate a strong friendship with Willy and reap the rewards! Remember to consult the complete guide for detailed information on fish locations, crafting recipes, and other game mechanics.