Unlocking Every Achievement in Neal.fun's Addictive Stimulation Clicker
Stimulation Clicker, the latest addictive clicker game on Neal.fun, offers a surprising amount of depth beyond its simple premise. While the core gameplay involves endless clicking, a robust achievement system provides structure and goals. This guide details how to obtain every achievement.

Initially, the achievements are hidden upgrades. Persistent clicking is key – they'll eventually appear beneath the "Click me" button. Once unlocked, 35 achievement icons appear, initially offering no clues. Fear not; this comprehensive guide provides the solutions.
Achievement Guide:
- Healthy Habits: Unlock Screentime.
- Screentime: Unlock Disc Collector.
- Disc Collector: Acquire 5 DVD logos.
- Level Up: Reach Level 10.
- Chicken Tendies: Feed Paul the chicken.
- Kinder Surprise: Open a Kinder egg.
- Good grandchild: Reply to grandma.
- Fixer Upper: Purchase 15 upgrades.
- Commuter: Watch 10 minutes of Subway Surfers.
- Procrastinator: Generate 100,000 stimulation.
- Click Cadet: Click the button 100 times.
- Achievements: Unlock achievements.
- Hoot Hoot: Answer Duolingo questions.
- Loot Finder: Open a lootbox.
- Day Trader: Sell a stock for profit.
- Owl Scholar: Correctly answer 10 Duolingo questions.
- Casual Shopper: Purchase a cosmetic.
- Leveler: Reach level 25.
- Click Corporal: Click the button 500 times.
- Loot Hoarder: Open 25 lootboxes.
- Corner Hunter: Reach 100 DVD corner hits.
- Tube Rider: Unlock fullscreen Subway Surfers.
- Click Commander: Click the button 1,000 times.
- Hunter: Unlock 15 achievements.
- Decked Out: Purchase all upgrades.
- iPad Kid: Generate 1,000,000 stimulation.
- Tunnel Vision: Unlock the wormhole.
- Polyglot: Correctly answer all Duolingo questions.
- Night Owl: Play at night.
- M’lady: Tip your fedora.
- Roaring Kitty: Make 100,000 stimulation from stocks.
- Maxed Out: Reach level 50.
- Mouse Mover: Move your cursor 1,000,000 pixels.
- Shopaholic: Purchase every cosmetic.
- Completionist: Unlock all achievements.
This comprehensive guide ensures you'll conquer every challenge Stimulation Clicker throws your way. Enjoy the click-fueled journey!
Stimulation Clicker is available now on Neal.fun.
This article will be updated with new information as it becomes available.