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PlantNet Plant Identification

PlantNet Plant Identification

  • CategoryProductivity
  • Version3.17.4
  • Size245.00M
  • UpdateSep 13,2022
  • Application Description

PlantNet is a user-friendly app that makes identifying plants a breeze. Simply snap a photo of a plant with your smartphone, and the app will tell you exactly what it is. It's a fantastic tool for both casual plant lovers and professional botanists. By taking pictures of plants, you're contributing to a global citizen science project where scientists use the data to learn more about plant biodiversity and conservation.

PlantNet can identify a wide variety of plants found in nature, including flowering plants, trees, grasses, conifers, ferns, vines, wild salads, and cacti. The more information you provide, such as photos of the flowers, fruits, and leaves, the more accurate the identification will be. With over 20,000 recognized species and constant improvements, PlantNet is a must-have for anyone who wants to explore and protect our natural world. Download it now and join this exciting community!

Features of this App:

  • Plant Identification: The app lets users identify plants by taking pictures with their smartphones. This is especially helpful for those who don't have a botanist on hand.
  • Citizen Science Project: All the plants photographed by users are collected and analyzed by scientists worldwide to gain a better understanding of plant biodiversity and work towards its preservation.
  • Comprehensive Plant Database: The app can identify and provide information on various types of plants found in nature, including flowering plants, trees, grasses, conifers, ferns, vines, wild salads, and cacti.
  • Inventorying Wild Plants: The app encourages users to inventory wild plants, including those found in nature, on sidewalks, or in vegetable gardens. The more visual information provided, the more accurate the identification will be.
  • Continuous Database Expansion: The app currently recognizes about -000 species, but it's constantly growing and becoming richer thanks to contributions from experienced users. Users are encouraged to contribute their observations for review and possible inclusion in the app's photogallery.
  • Updates and New Features: The latest version of the app, released in January - includes several improvements and new features. These include the ability to filter recognized species by genus or family, data revision to give more weight to skilled users, re-identification of shared observations, multi-flora identification, favorite plant selection for quick access, navigation at different taxonomical levels in image galleries, mapping of observations, and links to factsheets.


PlantNet is a user-friendly app that simplifies plant identification through smartphone photography. It not only helps users identify various plant species but also contributes to a global citizen science project aimed at understanding and preserving plant biodiversity. With continuous database expansion and regular updates, the app offers a comprehensive plant identification tool with additional features to enhance user experience. Whether you are a nature enthusiast, botanist, or simply curious about plants, PlantNet is a must-have app to explore and learn more about the diverse world of plants. Click here to download the app and start your plant identification journey today!

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