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> 訊息 > 《神奇四俠:第一步》在《漫威》中的重大事情可能意味著重要的事情


作者 : Sarah
Feb 20,2025

The first trailer for The Fantastic Four: First Steps has dropped, giving us our first look at Pedro Pascal, Vanessa Kirby, Joseph Quinn, and Ebon Moss-Bachrach as Marvel's First Family, alongside their robotic companion, HERBIE.複古的審美審美令人震驚,預告片的音調與其他MCU項目明顯不同。雖然2025年7月25日發行日期使我們感到興奮,但一個角色脫穎而出:Galactus,《世界吞噬者》。


While Galactus is glimpsed, his appearance already seems a significant improvement over the portrayal in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. This article explores why The Fantastic Four: First Steps appears poised to finally deliver a faithful adaptation of this iconic Marvel villain.


對於初學者來說,Galactus是來自漫威宇宙的宇宙實體,由Stan Lee和Jack Kirby共同創建 Fantastic Four #48。 Originally Galan, a mortal survivor of a previous universe, he was transformed by the merging with his universe's sentience into the first being of the new universe.現在,他漫遊了宇宙,消耗了生命的行星來生存。他利用預示,最著名的是銀衝浪者,找到這些行星。




Galactus has appeared in cartoons and video games (like the '90s Fantastic Four cartoon and Marvel vs. Capcom 3), but his only previous film appearance was in Tim Story's 2007 Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer.這個版本與漫畫的重大不同,被描繪成無特色的雲,最終很容易被擊敗。

《神奇四俠:第一步》提出了課程校正。該預告片以及聖地亞哥動漫展的無人機燈光表演暗示了傑克·柯比(Jack Kirby)的原始設計更加遵守。漫威(Marvel)選擇的Galactus是反派所說的;他們似乎意識到20世紀福克斯版本的缺點,目的是進行更忠實的改編。小羅伯特·唐尼(Robert Downey Jr.

鑒於MCU最近在Multiverse傳奇中掙紮,這至關重要。 Galactus代表了剩下的少數Marvel惡棍之一,有可能振興特許經營權。成功的改編可以顯著提高MCU的聲譽,並對下一部《複仇者聯盟》電影的預期建立期望,在那裏,神奇四俠預計將扮演重要角色。

神奇四俠:第一步 - 拖車1靜止



Galactus是一個奇幻的四個反派,而引人注目的真人刻畫早就該了。從拖車來看, 《神奇四俠:第一步》 似乎在正確的軌道上。
