為Zen Shards的迷人顏色放鬆一下,Zen Shards是旨在放鬆和正念的終極閒置合併遊戲。合併五顏六色的元素,以揭示這款平靜且視覺上吸引人的遊戲中令人驚嘆的新模式。 Zen Shards features vibrant, procedurally generated artwork, creating a stress-free experience that transports you to a world of peace and tranquility.
⭐在競爭環境中合併並結合火花火花,觸發了五顏六色的爆炸並變化碎片。 ⭐增強了火花的能力,以達到不斷增長的分數。 ⭐以您自己的節奏解鎖新遊戲模式和內容,享受完全可選的進展。 ⭐廣告和應用內購買提供慷慨而公平的獎勵,並且是完全可選的。
Players praise Zen Shards for its addictive gameplay and soothing atmosphere, describing it as the perfect way to de-stress and escape the pressures of daily life.許多人甚至稱其為“令人著迷”和“冥想”。
加入Zen Shards社區,立即創建自己的輕鬆庇護所! This game, initially a passion project, is continuously developed by a single independent developer committed to adding new features, providing support, and enhancing the mobile gaming experience.