Grand Cross 5.5th Anniversary: Supernova content update launches
[Hero's Bloodline] Young Knight Lancelot joins in
Limited-time events will run until December 26th
Netmarble is bringing in the big guns as the popular RPG celebrates 5.5 years of service within The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross. In particular, you can look forward to the "Grand Cross 5.5th Anniversary: Supernova" content update, which welcomes a new hero and plenty of festivities to the fray.
此外,限时活动将持续到12月26日,其中包括Grand Cross 5.5周年盛大节日投票抽奖。从活动的标题中你几乎可以猜到这将是一场扭蛋盛宴 - 具体来说,你可能会在 900 英里里程时获得新的周年纪念角色。说到扭蛋,5.5周年特别感谢抽奖,通过周年纪念活动,给你高达220次的召唤机会。
同时,如果您渴望参与,可以在 App Store 和 Google Play 上查看。它是免费游戏,可进行应用内购买。
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