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Мать и Дитя

Мать и Дитя

  • CategoryLifestyle
  • Versionv4.3.14
  • Size55.74M
  • UpdateJan 01,2025
  • Application Description
The "Mat' i Ditya" app is a groundbreaking healthcare platform providing comprehensive medical services for women and children throughout Russia. Boasting a network of 10 advanced hospitals and 40 clinics spanning 27 cities, the app connects users with highly skilled specialists in obstetrics, gynecology, and pediatrics. Its "Personal Patient Cabinet" simplifies healthcare management, enabling users to schedule appointments, receive timely reminders, and effortlessly track their health information. Additional features include a specialist search function, customizable profiles, and notifications for upcoming events and appointments for multiple family members. The app's intuitive design and multi-account capabilities are transforming family healthcare access in Russia.

Key Features of Мать и Дитя:

⭐️ Access to a leading network of 10 advanced hospitals and 40 clinics across Russia, providing exceptional medical care.

⭐️ Over 7000 qualified specialists in obstetrics, gynecology, and pediatrics.

⭐️ A wide array of medical services catering to the entire family's needs.

⭐️ A personalized patient portal for streamlined appointment management, including online booking and reminders.

⭐️ A powerful search tool to locate and select the ideal specialist.

⭐️ A convenient notification system for upcoming appointments and events, with the ability to manage appointments for multiple family members.

In Conclusion:

Experience superior healthcare with the Мать и Дитя app. Connect with a vast network of state-of-the-art hospitals and clinics staffed by expert medical professionals. From prenatal care to adult healthcare, we support your family's wellbeing. Seamlessly manage appointments, find the right doctor, and receive crucial notifications – all at your fingertips. Download the app today for personalized healthcare convenience.

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