Dive into the captivating world of "Can I Call You Mommy?", a game centered around Ichika, a dedicated university student balancing studies and a part-time job. Faced with mounting university fees, Ichika stumbles upon a mysterious opportunity: a high-paying, unconventional part-time job. Her family circumstances, as the eldest child in a single-parent household, add a layer of emotional depth to her choices.
This ABDL (Adult Baby Diaper Lover) themed adventure game follows Ichika's journey as she explores this unusual path towards financial independence. Experience her transformative journey and the challenges she faces as she navigates this unique situation.
Key Features:
- Compelling Narrative: Follow Ichika's story as she balances responsibilities and seeks unusual solutions.
- Unique Job Opportunities: Explore a world of secret part-time jobs, mirroring Ichika's quest.
- High-Stakes Offer: A lucrative offer presents a thrilling element of risk and reward.
- Immersive ABDL Gameplay: Experience Ichika's regressive transformation in a fantasy setting.
- Emotional Resonance: Connect with Ichika's struggles and responsibilities within her family.
- User-Friendly Design: Enjoy intuitive navigation and clear presentation of the game's content.
Extensive Visuals:
The game features over 300 images, showcasing a variety of expressions and poses.
Illustrative Game Scenarios:
The game depicts various scenarios including diaper changes, personal grooming, bottle feeding, crawling, highchair feeding, stroller rides, and disciplinary actions, among others.
Getting Started:
Simply unpack and launch the application.
"Can I Call You Mommy?" offers a unique and engaging adventure game with a captivating storyline, intriguing challenges, and a compelling emotional core. Download now and experience Ichika's extraordinary journey.