Rebuild civilization amidst a zombie apocalypse! Begin your journey on a planet ravaged by a zombie virus. Lead humanity's resurgence by researching groundbreaking inventions and discoveries, and create specialized soldier units tailored to your civilization's technological advancement to defend against the undead hordes.
Combat unfolds automatically. Should your deployed soldiers fall, fear not! They'll automatically revive and the stage will reset, allowing your forces to grow stronger with each encounter. Witness the evolution of your defenders, progressing from primate beginnings through Australopithecus, Neanderthals, and finally, Homo Sapiens. Bolster your troops with legendary leaders, powerful artifacts, and cutting-edge technologies to enhance their capabilities. Boost your civilization's productivity through technological advancements to efficiently gather resources. Unleash your strategic thinking with an innovative idea combination system, blending concepts to spark new breakthroughs and advancements.
Key Features:
- Fully automated battles
- Deploy, upgrade, and equip your soldiers with advanced weaponry
- Utilize powerful figures, artifacts, and technologies
- Advance technologically through diverse research avenues
- Combine ideas strategically to create new ones
- Automatic soldier revival after defeat
- Master strategic upgrades and resource management
Enjoy the game!