Dive into the captivating world of Dominas of the Forsaken Planet, a thrilling new game with a unique narrative. You play an ordinary man whose life takes an unexpected turn when he encounters an elf-eared priestess of the goddess Fialla. Unveiling a hidden extraterrestrial lineage, you're tasked by Fialla with a journey to a forsaken planet, accompanied by a compelling cast including a net runner, a hireling, and a space pirate. A magical amulet allows for transformation into a woman, adding a fascinating twist to the gameplay.
Dominas of the Forsaken Planet [v0.5.5] Key Features:
⭐️ Compelling Narrative: Experience a rich storyline centered on an ordinary man discovering his alien heritage and embarking on a perilous mission.
⭐️ Memorable Characters: Interact with a diverse group of intriguing characters—a priestess, a net runner, a hireling, and a space pirate—each with their own secrets and motivations.
⭐️ Transformation Power: Harness the power of the amulet of changeability, enabling you to transform into a female character, significantly impacting the story and gameplay.
⭐️ Femdom Focus: Explore a unique femdom-centric experience, offering a fresh perspective and dynamic gameplay.
⭐️ Familiar Mechanics: Fans of the developer's previous game, Dominant Witches, will recognize and appreciate the familiar domination and degradation mechanics.
⭐️ Ongoing Development: Expect regular updates with new content and features, building upon the already exciting foundation.
In short, Dominas of the Forsaken Planet offers a captivating blend of science fiction, fantasy, and unique gameplay mechanics. Its engaging story, diverse characters, and transformative abilities create a truly immersive and memorable experience. Download now and begin your extraordinary adventure!