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Dota 2: come sbloccare i premi Frostivus

Autore : Scarlett
Jan 27,2025

Dota 2 Frostivus 2025: una guida per sbloccare le ricompense festive

L'evento Frostivus di

Dota 2 è qui e offre la possibilità di guadagnare premi stagionali! Anche se non sono stati aggiunti nuovi minigiochi, ci sono moltissimi gadget da sbloccare completando specifiche attività di gioco. Questa guida ti mostrerà come raccogliere le infusioni festive e creare le ricompense.

Come guadagnare infusi festivi

Per sbloccare le ricompense Frostivus è necessario raccogliere le infusioni festive. Esistono cinque tipi di infusioni, ciascuna guadagnata attraverso azioni diverse:

Festive Infusion Requirements Points Earned How to Earn
Crystallized Joy Win Matches, Collect Bounty Runes, Kill Couriers +30, +1, +4 Win matches, collect bounty runes, and kill enemy couriers.
Essence of Friendship Play in a Party, Heal Allies, Get Assists, High Five (Ally & Enemy) +10, +0.0002, +1, +2, +2 Play with friends, heal allies, get assists, and use the high-five feature on both allies and enemies.
Concentrated Whimsy Steal Hats, Get Kills, Damage Enemy Heroes +5, +1, +0.0001 Steal Frostivus hats, kill enemy heroes, and deal significant damage.
Festive Spirit Give Tips, Receive Tips, Hit with Snowball, Bump Penguins, Build Snowman +4, +4, +10, +0.5, +5 Give and receive tips, hit enemies with snowballs before a kill, bump penguins, and build a snowman.

Livelli di ricompensa e creazione di Frostivus 2025

Accedi alla Forgia Frostivus dal menu principale per creare ricompense. Le ricompense sono divise in livelli, ciascuno con un limite di creazione:

Tier Name Unlock Method Available Rewards Required Festive Infusions Crafting Limit
Tier I Unlocked from the start Random Frostivus Voice Lines, Random Frostivus Sprays 20 Crystallized Joy, 20 Essence of Friendship; 20 Concentrated Whimsy, 20 Festive Spirit 5, 4
Tier II Craft 2 Tier I Rewards Frostivus 2024 Loading Screen Treasure, Random Frostivus Emoticons 16 Crystallized Joy, 16 Essence of Friendship, 48 Festive Spirit; 16 Crystallized Joy, 48 Concentrated Whimsy, 16 Festive Spirit 10, 8
Tier III Craft 3 Tier II Rewards Frostivus 2024 Tormentor Skin, Ruddy and Rannoff Mythical Courier 40 Crystallized Joy, 100 Essence of Friendship, 100 Concentrated Whimsy; 80 Crystallized Joy, 120 Essence of Friendship, 120 Concentrated Whimsy, 160 Festive Spirit 1, 1
Crownfall Craft 2 Tier III Rewards 5 Random Crownfall Act I/II/III/IV Tokens Varying combinations of Crystallized Joy, Essence of Friendship, Concentrated Whimsy, Festive Spirit 5, 5, 5, 5
Legacy Craft 2 Tier III Rewards Frostivus 2023 Treasure Chest 30 Crystallized Joy, 30 Essence of Friendship, 30 Concentrated Whimsy, 30 Festive Spirit 5
Premium Purchase a Pathfinder Pack 5 Crownfall Store Coin, Crownfall Sticker Capsule 60 Crystallized Joy, 60 Essence of Friendship, 60 Concentrated Whimsy, 60 Festive Spirit; 20 Crystallized Joy, 20 Essence of Friendship, 20 Concentrated Whimsy, 20 Festive Spirit 2, 10

Fai squadra con gli amici, scegli gli eroi in modo strategico e goditi le ricompense festive!

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