메인 메뉴에서 Frostivus Forge에 액세스하여 보상을 제작하세요. 보상은 여러 단계로 나뉘며 각 단계에는 제작 제한이 있습니다. 친구들과 팀을 이루어 전략적으로 영웅을 선택하고 축제 보상을 즐겨보세요!Frostivus 2025 보상 등급 및 제작
Tier Name
Unlock Method
Available Rewards
Required Festive Infusions
Crafting Limit
Tier I
Unlocked from the start
Random Frostivus Voice Lines, Random Frostivus Sprays
20 Crystallized Joy, 20 Essence of Friendship; 20 Concentrated Whimsy, 20 Festive Spirit
5, 4
Tier II
Craft 2 Tier I Rewards
Frostivus 2024 Loading Screen Treasure, Random Frostivus Emoticons
16 Crystallized Joy, 16 Essence of Friendship, 48 Festive Spirit; 16 Crystallized Joy, 48 Concentrated Whimsy, 16 Festive Spirit
10, 8
Tier III
Craft 3 Tier II Rewards
Frostivus 2024 Tormentor Skin, Ruddy and Rannoff Mythical Courier
40 Crystallized Joy, 100 Essence of Friendship, 100 Concentrated Whimsy; 80 Crystallized Joy, 120 Essence of Friendship, 120 Concentrated Whimsy, 160 Festive Spirit
1, 1
Craft 2 Tier III Rewards
5 Random Crownfall Act I/II/III/IV Tokens
Varying combinations of Crystallized Joy, Essence of Friendship, Concentrated Whimsy, Festive Spirit
5, 5, 5, 5
Craft 2 Tier III Rewards
Frostivus 2023 Treasure Chest
30 Crystallized Joy, 30 Essence of Friendship, 30 Concentrated Whimsy, 30 Festive Spirit
Purchase a Pathfinder Pack
5 Crownfall Store Coin, Crownfall Sticker Capsule
60 Crystallized Joy, 60 Essence of Friendship, 60 Concentrated Whimsy, 60 Festive Spirit; 20 Crystallized Joy, 20 Essence of Friendship, 20 Concentrated Whimsy, 20 Festive Spirit
2, 10