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Announcing: Path of Exile 2 Ascendencies Unveiled

Author : Mila
Feb 20,2025

Path of Exile 2: A Deep Dive into Ascendancy Classes

Path of Exile 2 offers unparalleled character customization, letting you fine-tune your build with numerous skills, items, and options. But the true challenge lies in selecting your Ascendancy Class! Currently in early access, each class boasts two progression paths, with a third planned for the full release. Let's explore the available Ascendancies.

All AscendanciesImage: ensigame.com

Witch Ascendancy Classes

  • Infernalist: A formidable Witch specializing in fire spells and summoning Infernal Hounds. Transforming into a demonic form boosts damage and mobility, though at the cost of increased health vulnerability. Key passive skills include Loyal Hellhound and Beidat's Will.

InfernalistImage: ensigame.com

  • Blood Mage: A high-risk, high-reward class utilizing Sanguimancy, consuming health instead of mana. Skills like Vitality Siphon, Life Remnants, Sunder the Flesh, and Gore Spike are crucial for survival and damage output.

Blood MageImage: ensigame.com

Sorcerer Ascendancy Classes

  • Stormweaver: This Sorcerer unleashes devastating elemental damage with high critical hit chances, triggering Elemental Storm. Status ailments and Spirit Gems are key components of their gameplay. Constant Gale and Force of Will are vital for mana management.

StormweaverImage: ensigame.com

  • Chronomancer: A unique class manipulating time to control the battlefield. Spells like Temporal Rift and Time Freeze offer innovative combat strategies. While not currently the strongest, it holds significant potential.

ChronomancerImage: ensigame.com

Warrior Ascendancy Classes

  • Warbringer: A melee-focused class combining war cries and totem summons for maximum damage. Imploding Impacts, Anvil’s Weight, Warcaller’s Bellow, and Greatwolf’s Howl are key skills. Defensive options include Renly’s Training and Turtle Charm.

WarbringerImage: ensigame.com

  • Titan: A defensive powerhouse utilizing powerful, slow attacks to paralyze enemies. Stone Skin, Mysterious Lineage, Earthbreaker, Ancestral Empowerment, and Surprising Strength are defining skills.

TitanImage: ensigame.com

Monk Ascendancy Classes

  • Invoker: A melee class harnessing elemental power and status effects. Power Charges enhance skills, adding strategic depth.

InvokerImage: ensigame.com

  • Acolyte of Chayula: This Monk commands dark forces, forgoing Spirit for Darkness. Consuming Questions and Mana Leech are key, but currently less effective due to Energy Shield cooldown mechanics.

Acolyte of ChayulaImage: ensigame.com

Mercenary Ascendancy Classes

  • Witchhunter: A top-tier class excelling at eliminating demons and undead. Pitiless Killer, Damage vs Low Life Enemies, Judge, Jury, and Executioner, Witchbane, and No Mercy are crucial for high damage output.

WitchhunterImage: ensigame.com

  • Gemling Legionnaire: Gameplay centers around gems, their stats, and colors. Thaumaturgical Infusion, Crystalline Potential, Implanted Gems, Advanced Thaumaturgy, Adaptive Capability, Integrated Efficiency, and Gem Studded offer unique build possibilities.

Gemling LegionnaireImage: ensigame.com

Ranger Ascendancy Classes

  • Deadeye: A ranged combat class enhancing attack range and damage. Endless Munitions is particularly useful for crowd control. Ideal for bow users focusing on elemental damage.

DeadeyeImage: ensigame.com

  • Pathfinder: A poison-focused class dealing double poison damage. Overwhelming Toxicity amplifies poison, but shortens duration. Gas grenades and high mobility are key elements of this class.

PathfinderImage: ensigame.com

Note: This covers twelve of the planned thirty-six Ascendancy Classes. Future updates may alter passive skills and balance.

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