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Best Doom 2099 Decks in Marvel Snap

Author : Mila
Jan 21,2025

Best Doom 2099 Decks in Marvel Snap

Marvel Snap's second year introduces another alternate character: Doctor Doom's 2099 variant. This guide explores the best Doom 2099 decks.

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How Doom 2099 Functions in Marvel SnapTop-Tier Doom 2099 Decks for LaunchIs Doom 2099 Worth Spotlight Cache Keys or Collector’s Tokens? How Doom 2099 Functions in Marvel Snap

Doom 2099 is a 4-cost, 2-power card with a unique ability: "After each turn, add a DoomBot 2099 to a random location if you played (exactly) 1 card."

DoomBot 2099 (also 4-cost, 2-power) has the ability: “Ongoing: Your other DoomBots and Doom have +1 Power.” Crucially, this buff applies to both DoomBot 2099s and regular Doctor Doom.

The core strategy revolves around playing exactly one card per turn. An early Doom 2099 can yield three DoomBot 2099s, significantly boosting power. Adding Doctor Doom on the final turn maximizes this effect.

Effectively, Doom 2099 can function as a 17-power card (or more with early plays or Magik).

However, two drawbacks exist: DoomBot 2099 placement is random, potentially hindering your strategy or benefiting your opponent. Enchantress, recently buffed, completely negates DoomBot 2099's power boosts.

Top-Tier Doom 2099 Decks for Launch

The one-card-per-turn requirement makes Doom 2099 a strong addition to Spectrum Ongoing decks. Consider these options:

Deck 1: Spectrum Ongoing

Ant-Man, Goose, Psylocke, Captain America, Cosmo, Electro, Doom 2099, Wong, Klaw, Doctor Doom, Spectrum, Onslaught [Untapped Deck Link]

This budget-friendly deck (only Doom 2099 is a Series 5 card) offers flexibility. Aim for early Doom 2099 deployment using Psylocke or a turn 3 Electro. Psylocke allows for powerful Wong/Klaw/Doctor Doom combinations. Electro enables powerful plays with Onslaught and high-cost cards. If Doom 2099 isn't played early, shift to a strategy focused on Doctor Doom or Spectrum buffs. Cosmo protects against Enchantress.

Deck 2: Patriot-Style

Ant-Man, Zabu, Dazzler, Mister Sinister, Patriot, Brood, Doom 2099, Super Skrull, Iron Lad, Blue Marvel, Doctor Doom, Spectrum [Untapped Deck Link]

Another inexpensive deck (only Doom 2099 is Series 5). Employ a typical Patriot strategy, using early game cards like Mister Sinister and Brood before transitioning to Doom 2099, Blue Marvel, and Doctor Doom or Spectrum. Zabu discounts 4-cost cards for early plays if Patriot fails. Flexibility allows for skipping DoomBot 2099 spawns to play stronger cards on the final turn (e.g., Patriot and a discounted Iron Lad). However, this deck is vulnerable to Enchantress, prompting the inclusion of Super Skrull for counterplay.

Related: Top Peni Parker Decks in Marvel Snap

Is Doom 2099 Worth Spotlight Cache Keys or Collector’s Tokens?

While Daken and Miek (released alongside Doom 2099) are weak, Doom 2099's power and deck-building affordability make him a worthwhile investment. Use Collector's Tokens if possible, but don't miss out. He's poised to be a meta staple unless nerfed.

These are the top Doom 2099 decks in Marvel Snap. Marvel Snap is available now.

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