Square Enix's Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince brings the beloved series to mobile devices. Following its December 2023 launch on Nintendo Switch (the seventh installment in the franchise), this mobile version lets players experience the story of Psaro, a young man cursed by his father, the Master of Monsterkind, rendering him unable to harm monsters.
Unveiling the Dark Prince
To lift the curse, Psaro embarks on a quest to become a Monster Wrangler, teaming up with creatures to ascend the ranks and challenge his father. Fans of Dragon Quest IV will recognize Psaro as the antagonist, but this game reveals his perspective.
The game unfolds in Nadiria, a world where dynamic weather and seasonal changes significantly impact gameplay. Players can recruit, train, and even fuse over 500 unique monsters, ranging from adorable creatures to bizarre behemoths. The weather influences monster appearances, ensuring constant exploration rewards.
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Worth a Try?
Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince offers a compelling experience. Mobile players gain access to content from the console version's DLC, including the Mole Hole, Coach Joe's Dungeon Gym, and Treasure Trunks, enriching the monster-wrangling journey. A Quickfire Contest mode allows for daily competition against other players, offering stat-boosting rewards and roster expansion.
Dragon Quest enthusiasts should download Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince from the Google Play Store. Stay tuned for our upcoming coverage of Pokémon Sleep's Good Sleep Day With Clefairy.