Get ready for a double dose of Community Day fun in Pokémon GO! This February, Karrablast and Shelmet are taking center stage.
Event Details:
- Date: Sunday, February 9th
- Time: 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM (Local Time)
- Featured Pokémon: Increased spawns of Karrablast and Shelmet, with a chance to encounter their Shiny forms.
Special Research & Rewards:
- A Community Day Special Research ticket (priced at $2 or local equivalent) offers exclusive encounters with Karrablast and Shelmet featuring a Dual Destiny-themed Special Background. The ticket also includes extra encounters, a Premium Battle Pass, and Rare Candy XL.
- A free Timed Research quest will be available for all players who log in during the event, offering additional chances to catch Karrablast and Shelmet, and boosted Shiny odds. Don't forget to redeem your Pokémon Go codes for extra bonuses!
Evolution & Exclusive Moves:
Catch enough Karrablast and Shelmet to evolve them into Escavalier and Accelgor, respectively, learning powerful exclusive charged attacks:
- Escavalier: Razor Shell (35 power in Trainer Battles, 55 in Gyms and Raids)
- Accelgor: Energy Ball (90 power in all battles)
Event Bonuses:
Enjoy these boosted bonuses during the three-hour event window:
- Triple XP for catching Pokémon
- Double Candy for catching Pokémon
- Increased Candy XL chance for Trainers level 31 and above
- Three-hour Lure Modules and Incense
- One extra Special Trade
- 50% Stardust cost reduction for trading
Additional Opportunities:
- Community Day-themed Field Research tasks will reward Stardust, Great Balls, and more encounters.
- Look out for PokéStop Showcases for extra participation opportunities.
- Stock up early! Two Community Day bundles will be in the shop, plus an Ultra Community Day Box on the Pokémon Go Web Store starting February 3rd.