An Elden Ring enthusiast has embarked on an extraordinary challenge: defeating the notoriously difficult Messmer boss without taking a single hit, every day, until the release of the upcoming co-op spin-off, Elden Ring: Nightreign. This ambitious undertaking began on December 16th, 2024, and will continue until Nightreign's 2025 launch.
The announcement of Nightreign at The Game Awards 2024 surprised many, given FromSoftware's previous statements about Shadow of the Erdtree being the final Elden Ring expansion. This unexpected sequel, focusing on co-op gameplay, keeps the Elden Ring universe alive and kicking.
This player, YouTuber chickensandwich420, is tackling Messmer—a notoriously challenging boss from the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC—with a hitless strategy. While hitless runs are common in the FromSoftware community, the sheer repetition of this daily challenge transforms it into an impressive feat of endurance.
The enduring popularity of Elden Ring, celebrating its third anniversary, is a testament to its captivating world and demanding yet rewarding combat. The open-world design, while unforgiving, offers players unparalleled freedom. This freedom, coupled with the game's complex boss fights, has inspired a wealth of creative challenge runs, a hallmark of the FromSoftware experience. The release of Nightreign is sure to further fuel this inventive community.
This particular challenge, however, is a unique test of skill and perseverance. The player's daily commitment to this seemingly impossible task highlights the dedication and passion within the Elden Ring community, eagerly awaiting the arrival of Nightreign in 2025. While a specific release date is yet to be announced, the anticipation is palpable.