原神 版本 5.2 演習澎湃風暴活動是第二階段的一部分,是一項戰術 RPG 風格的挑戰,提供包括 Primogems 在內的豐厚獎勵。 雖然最初看起來很複雜,但其機制卻出乎意料地簡單。這是參與和獎勵指南。
活動包括教程。 總結如下:
在每次戰爭遊戲之前,選擇戰鬥單位(部隊)和策略(增益)。 單位有多種類型(AoE 傷害、飛行、遠程、近戰)以及基於類型的計數器(例如,近戰計數器遠程)。
透過重新選擇單位來升級它們;刷新單位和策略以獲得更好的選擇。 元素反應的作用與主世界相同。 獲勝比失敗獲得更多的戰爭遊戲獎牌,但即使失敗也有助於獎勵累積。
戰爭遊戲勳章可以兌換原始寶石、英雄智慧、角色天賦材料和莫拉。 挑戰獎勵也適用於特定的遊戲內成就。
**Requirement** | **Medal Rewards** |
400 Wargame Medals | 40x Primogem, 2x Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator, 20,000x Mora |
800 Wargame Medals | 40x Primogem, 2x Debris of Decarabian’s City, 20,000x Mora |
1200 Wargame Medals | 40x Primogem, 2x Boreal Wolf’s Cracked Tooth, 20,000x Mora |
1600 Wargame Medals | 40x Primogem, 2x Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator, 20,000x Mora |
2000 Wargame Medals | 40x Primogem, 2x Debris of Decarabian’s City, 20,000x Mora |
2400 Wargame Medals | 40x Primogem, 2x Boreal Wolf’s Cracked Tooth, 20,000x Mora |
2800 Wargame Medals | 40x Primogem, 2x Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator, 20,000x Mora |
3200 Wargame Medals | 40x Primogem, 2x Debris of Decarabian’s City, 20,000x Mora |
3600 Wargame Medals | 40x Primogem, 2x Boreal Wolf’s Cracked Tooth, 20,000x Mora |
4000 Wargame Medals | 40x Primogem, 2x Hero’s Wit, 20,000x Mora |
**Requirement** | **Challenge Rewards** |
3+ round victories in a wargame | 20x Primogem, 2x Guide to Freedom, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore |
5+ round victories in a wargame | 2x Hero’s Wit, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore |
7+ round victories in a wargame | 2x Sanctifying Unction, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore |
3 Rank 2 Combat Units upgraded | 2x Guide to Resistance, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore |
6 Rank 2 Combat Units upgraded | 2x Hero’s Wit, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore |
12 Rank 2 Combat Units upgraded | 2x Sanctifying Unction, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore |
1 Rank 3 Combat Unit upgraded | 2x Hero’s Wit, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore |
3 Rank 3 Combat Units upgraded | 2x Sanctifying Unction, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore |
3+ Elite-class Combat Units drawn | 2x Guide to Ballad, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore |
6+ Elite-class Combat Units drawn | 2x Hero’s Wit, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore |
12+ Elite-class Combat Units drawn | 2x Sanctifying Unction, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore |
1 Apex-class Combat Unit drawn | 2x Hero’s Wit, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore |
2 Apex-class Combat Units drawn | 2x Hero’s Wit, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore |
4 Apex-class Combat Units drawn | 2x Sanctifying Unction, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore |
演習風暴活動於 12 月 30 日(服務器時間 3:59)結束。 不要錯過!