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作者 : Nicholas
Jan 20,2025

原神 版本 5.2 演习澎湃风暴活动是第二阶段的一部分,是一项战术 RPG 风格的挑战,提供包括 Primogems 在内的丰厚奖励。 虽然最初看起来很复杂,但其机制却出人意料地简单。这是参与和奖励指南。



  • 冒险等级20以上。
  • 完成蒙德执政官任务序言。


Screenshot of the Exervise Surging Storm starting desk

The Escapist 截图


该活动包括教程。 总结如下:

在每次战争游戏之前,选择战斗单位(部队)和策略(增益)。 单位有多种类型(范围伤害、飞行、远程、近战)以及基于类型的计数器(例如,近战计数器远程)。

Exercise Surging Storm preparation screen

The Escapist 截图



  • 近战:伤害吸收高,速度慢。
  • 远程:远程攻击,低生命值。
  • AoE DMG: 伤害单位组。
  • 飞行:躲避地面攻击,免疫特定类型的伤害。

Exercise Surging Storm fight screen

The Escapist 截图

通过重新选择单位来升级它们;刷新单位和策略以获得更好的选择。 元素反应的作用与主世界相同。 获胜比失败获得更多的战争游戏奖牌,但即使失败也有助于奖励积累。


战争游戏勋章可以兑换原始宝石、英雄智慧、角色天赋材料和莫拉。 挑战奖励也适用于特定的游戏内成就。

**Requirement****Medal Rewards**
400 Wargame Medals40x Primogem, 2x Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator, 20,000x Mora
800 Wargame Medals40x Primogem, 2x Debris of Decarabian’s City, 20,000x Mora
1200 Wargame Medals40x Primogem, 2x Boreal Wolf’s Cracked Tooth, 20,000x Mora
1600 Wargame Medals40x Primogem, 2x Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator, 20,000x Mora
2000 Wargame Medals40x Primogem, 2x Debris of Decarabian’s City, 20,000x Mora
2400 Wargame Medals40x Primogem, 2x Boreal Wolf’s Cracked Tooth, 20,000x Mora
2800 Wargame Medals40x Primogem, 2x Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator, 20,000x Mora
3200 Wargame Medals40x Primogem, 2x Debris of Decarabian’s City, 20,000x Mora
3600 Wargame Medals40x Primogem, 2x Boreal Wolf’s Cracked Tooth, 20,000x Mora
4000 Wargame Medals40x Primogem, 2x Hero’s Wit, 20,000x Mora
**Requirement****Challenge Rewards**
3+ round victories in a wargame20x Primogem, 2x Guide to Freedom, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
5+ round victories in a wargame2x Hero’s Wit, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
7+ round victories in a wargame2x Sanctifying Unction, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
3 Rank 2 Combat Units upgraded2x Guide to Resistance, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
6 Rank 2 Combat Units upgraded2x Hero’s Wit, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
12 Rank 2 Combat Units upgraded2x Sanctifying Unction, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
1 Rank 3 Combat Unit upgraded2x Hero’s Wit, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
3 Rank 3 Combat Units upgraded2x Sanctifying Unction, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
3+ Elite-class Combat Units drawn2x Guide to Ballad, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
6+ Elite-class Combat Units drawn2x Hero’s Wit, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
12+ Elite-class Combat Units drawn2x Sanctifying Unction, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
1 Apex-class Combat Unit drawn2x Hero’s Wit, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
2 Apex-class Combat Units drawn2x Hero’s Wit, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore
4 Apex-class Combat Units drawn2x Sanctifying Unction, 3x Mystic Enhancement Ore

演习风暴活动于 12 月 30 日(服务器时间 3:59)结束。 不要错过!

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