Baldur's Gate 3 offers a wealth of romance options, but some encounters remain hidden gems. One such secret romance involves Naoise Nallinto at Sharess' Caress, easily missed due to its timing within a busy part of the game. This guide reveals how to find and romance Naoise.
### Reaching Sharess' Caress in Act III:
To meet Naoise, progress to the early stages of Act III. While traveling to Baldur's Gate, you'll pass through Wyrm's Crossing. During your first visit, you'll encounter Raphael at Sharess' Caress, a brothel located east of the bridge leading into Baldur's Gate. If you've already explored Wyrm's Crossing, use the South Span of Wyrm's Crossing fast-travel point for direct access to Sharess' Caress.
Naoise resides in the Nymph's Grotto, a chamber on the second floor, accessible through a door with a green light and ivy. This door is locked, requiring a lockpicking skill check of 10 or higher to open.
### Initiating the Interaction:
Inside, you'll find Naoise with Jara, a Flaming Heart soldier, engaged in an intimate moment. Interrupting them will anger Jara, triggering a dialogue exchange. Choosing the option, "Whoever you think I am, you're mistaken," will lead to Jara's transformation into a Mindflayer after mentioning the Absolute. Defeat her to proceed. Naoise will then express her unexpected attraction to Mindflayers. Selecting "Your client is dead. I thought you'd be more upset," demonstrates a lack of judgment. A successful Insight check reveals Naoise's receptiveness to romance. Further dialogue choices, such as "What did you have in mind?" and "Close your eyes and listen," lead to a unique mental romance scene.
Naoise will ask, "What will you be?", offering choices: Revered, Contented, Powerful, Rich, or "I think we're done here." Choosing "Contented" initiates the scene. This encounter is a one-time event; subsequent visits will only yield the option for 'rapture.' Note that this romance is possible even if your character is already in a relationship, with no apparent repercussions from other companions. Completing the romance grants the "Carnal Rituals of Sharess" inspiration point (Shadowheart) and the Rapture boon (a passive +1d6 to most ability checks).