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Girl's Boarding School Murder Mystery: Expelled!

Author : Michael
Mar 14,2025

Inkling's latest release, Expelled!, plunges you into the thrilling world of a wrongfully accused (or maybe not?) schoolgirl, Verity Amersham, embroiled in a case of attempted murder. Unravel the mystery and secure your acquittal, whether through meticulous investigation or less scrupulous methods.

Why would anyone send their child to boarding school? Besides the usual pressures, loneliness, and social hierarchy, there's also the occasional…window-pushing incident! Well, maybe not *everywhere*, but definitely at Miss Mulligatawney's School for Promising Girls in 1922, the setting for Expelled!

As the seemingly innocent Verity, you have one school day to clear your name after a prefect takes a tumble from a window. Characters act independently, creating a race against time. Your path to freedom is yours to choose: uncover the true culprit, frame someone else, or unleash your inner hockey-stick-wielding vigilante. The choice is yours!

Expelled! Gameplay Screenshot

Recommending Expelled! is easy. From the creators of the critically acclaimed 80 Days and the wildly popular Overboard!, inkle has once again delivered a captivating experience. While Verity might seem less villainous than the protagonists of their previous games, Expelled! allows for diverse playstyles, from a perfectly clean acquittal to a full-blown teenage rebellion. And just to keep things interesting, Verity’s innocence might not be as absolute as it initially appears…

Discover the truth for yourself by playing Expelled! And if you're eager for more exciting upcoming game releases, be sure to check out our list of the best games of 2025!

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