Internal Revenue Services for Citizens
This overview details CPF access within various Federal Revenue systems. Services marked with * require a separate Federal Revenue application download. The application provides access to:
- CPF card information
- Negative debt certificates
- IRPF refund information
- Income tax declarations*
- In-progress processes*
- Economic activities – CAEPF
- Schedules – SAGA*
- eSocial – domestic employees*
- My companies (including MEI*)
- My imports (Import declarations and Bills of Lading)
- Refund requests via PERDCOMP
- Service invoices
- Health Recipe information
Additional resources include: CNPJ registration, MEI status, CNAE codes, NCM tables, RFB Units, legal regulations, Sicalc, import simulation, and other services.
Queries (CPF, CNPJ, IRPF Refund, Process, DI, Bill of Lading, PERDCOMP, etc.) are handled differently based on user authentication:
- Unauthenticated users (without Access is limited to basic data. Favoriting is unavailable, and a CAPTCHA is required for each query.
Authenticated users (with CAPTCHAs are eliminated, and users can favorite frequently accessed numbers for easier future access. Movement alerts will be implemented soon.
- Third-party data access: Basic information only.
- Personal data access ("My data"): Full access to personal information.