After conquering the main campaign and tackling the Cruel difficulty Acts 1 through 3 in Path of Exile 2, you'll unlock the Endgame and gain access to the Atlas of Worlds. This sprawling map presents a variety of unique structures, each offering distinct gameplay challenges. Among these are Realmgates, Lost Towers, the Burning Monolith, and the elusive Citadels.
Unlike the more readily visible Lost Towers, Realmgates, and Burning Monolith, Citadels present a unique challenge in their discovery. The 0.1.1 update improves Citadel visibility, making them easier to spot from a distance. However, if you're still struggling to find them, these tips should help.
Citadels are unique map nodes in Path of Exile 2, appearing in three variations: Iron, Copper, and Stone. Each Citadel houses a powerful boss—a reimagined campaign boss significantly enhanced for the endgame—and offers a chance to acquire a Crisis Fragment upon victory. These fragments are crucial for accessing the Burning Monolith and its pinnacle boss, the Arbiter of Ash, completing the "Pinnacle of Flame" quest.
Accessing a Citadel requires a Waystone of at least Tier 15. Remember, each Citadel offers a single attempt; defeat the boss, or lose your chance. Besides the coveted Crisis Fragments, Citadels also offer exceptional loot. Once completed, a Citadel cannot be revisited; you must find another through further Atlas exploration.
The 0.1.1 update significantly enhances Citadel visibility on the Atlas map. A prominent beacon of light now marks their location, even through the Fog of War. If Citadels remain elusive, try these strategies:
Explore linearly: Travel in a straight line across the Atlas, revealing maximum Fog of War and maximizing your chances of uncovering Citadels. Utilize Lost Towers; completing these reveals a significant area, potentially revealing nearby Citadels.
Biome-specific hunting: Each Citadel type tends to spawn in specific biomes:
Strategic exploration: Citadels rarely cluster. After discovering one, explore in a completely different direction to increase your chances of finding more. With the 0.1.1 update's improved visibility, any nearby Citadels should be easily spotted within a few screens of your explored area. If none are visible, continue exploring linearly to uncover more.