While *Dynasty Warriors* games are known for their hack-and-slash action, mastering them requires genuine skill. *Dynasty Warriors: Origins* acknowledges this by offering four difficulty settings, letting you customize the challenge to your experience level.
For new and returning players, choosing the right difficulty can be tricky. The ideal setting depends on your skill and desired challenge level.
*Dynasty Warriors: Origins* features four difficulty levels: Historian (easy), Wayfarer (normal), Hero (hard), and Ultimate Warrior (very hard). Initially, only Historian, Wayfarer, and Hero are available. Unlock Ultimate Warrior by completing a main scenario for any of the three factions.
Note: Completing a single battle on Ultimate Warrior earns a Trophy/Achievement, but there are no difficulty-specific awards for completing the main campaign.
Historian (easy) is perfect for newcomers to the genre or those prioritizing story over challenge. Wayfarer (normal) is ideal for most players, even with limited Musou/Warriors experience. Series veterans might start with Hero (hard), while seasoned Musou players should consider Ultimate Warrior (very hard) after unlocking it, to maintain a high level of challenge.
You can adjust the difficulty between battles via the config menu without affecting the story.
Historian simplifies gameplay: all enemy attacks are easily blocked; staggering enemies, gaining bravery, and filling the Musou Gauge are easier. Hero increases enemy strength and aggression, shortens parry/evade windows, and removes Meat Bun drops. Blocking consumes bravery, influencing army battles is more time-sensitive, and Skill Points/gold earned are reduced. Ultimate Warrior intensifies Hero's challenges with even tighter parry/evade windows and significantly lower battle rewards.