Halo Studios, formerly known as 343 Industries, embarks on a new chapter in Halo's history. This Microsoft-owned studio, inheriting the franchise from Bungie, announced a rebranding and ambitious plans for future Halo titles. The shift includes a transition to Unreal Engine 5 (UE5), a move lauded by Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney.
This strategic change aims to address player desires for enhanced Halo experiences. Studio Head Pierre Hintze emphasized a refocused approach, prioritizing the creation of games that resonate with the fanbase. The limitations of the previous engine, Slipspace, are cited as a key driver for the UE5 adoption. The advanced capabilities of UE5, including superior graphics and physics, will allow for faster development cycles and quicker integration of player feedback.
The move to UE5 isn't just about improved visuals; it's about streamlining the development process. This allows Halo Studios to deliver high-quality games more efficiently, and incorporate player feedback more readily. COO Elizabeth Van Wyck highlighted the importance of player feedback in shaping the future of the franchise, emphasizing a player-centric approach to game development. Art Director Chris Matthew explained that the age of the previous engine significantly hampered development, a problem UE5 will swiftly resolve.
Halo Studios is actively recruiting for these new projects, signaling a significant investment in the future of the Halo franchise. This transition marks a bold step towards creating the "best possible" Halo games, reflecting a commitment to meeting and exceeding player expectations. The use of UE5 promises not only visually stunning games, but also a more responsive and iterative development process, ensuring Halo continues to evolve with its fanbase.